Sunday, March 16, 2008

I originally started this post a few minutes ago, but Frippertronics and the thought of new sheets had enticed me, and when I came back, the post was not here anymore...

From the top

Went to bed at 4 AM last night, woke up around noon. Putted around for an hour before getting an email from the man about the guitar. 30 minutes later I'm a guitar lighter and 180 dollars richer, which goes to paying towards my new bass rig. I only have 16 dollars left to play, so this is good. Back home, grab some lunch, lovely oven friend chicken with beans and rice and greenbeans. Scarf it down and then bitch about lilypond which is fucking up my score... Print out what I have and talk to Mike. He likes what he sees, I think. Although the piece is far more tonal than I had originally thought... We talk, listen to music. I let it slip I'm in a band called "Cockslap". He grins and goes "Oh great" sarcastically. I don't really think he knows the depths of the weirdness of my music, but whatever. Probably going to meet Wednesday or something.

Back home, homework, watching Penn and Teller's Bullshit for a few episodes. Laughed and almost didn't get the work done. More dicking around on the internet. Talk to Justin, laid a new piece on me, it's great and only 60 seconds long. Might see if I can get that or "Here Come The Warm Jets" to be my ring tone for my phone.

Started dumping the lost Meccalily Luau 2005 set to digital today. Tomorrow I will cut it up and hopefully export it. Then APMJ Luau 2005. Speaking of Meccalily, got a message from Wayne via myspace. He's in a new band that looks interesting. Hopefully will check it out one of these days when they play around here.

Watching a Frippertronics performance has made me think that honestly, I do not play notes. I play patterns based on what i think will work FOR the music, but I really don't hear parts in my head and then play them. I must work on this and fix it. Although sometimes I play in places where I can not hear myself think.

Now, sheet changing, shower, and to bed.

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