Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Last blog was a week ago.

So fuck the past week. Nothing of importance.

Except last night. Went to Banter/3.1 show. His best show to date. Wish he showed a little more energy or at least made it LOOK like he was doing more with his keyboard. Talked about this. After the set was a little alienated by hanging around with Jon, my dad, and Martin, although I'm sure it was all in good fun. I guess I would be a little worried if I wasn't alienated. Oh well.

Stuck around for the rest of the show. Daniel Ouellette was up next. Saw him once before, he was better then. Did more a performance art thing, although I think it might have been due to the number of people in the audience. Left about half way in, just wasn't that into it, listened from outside while reading the Phoenix.

Next was James Amoeba, noise set. Was cool, did it with MAX/MSP. Bought a CD, but didn't want to. It was 5 bucks though, and I helped him feed himself. Oh well. Didn't go from the start. Was talking with people and then excused myself because I liked what I heard coming from the stage. But not before tipping Jon's glass over with a milli-liter of beer in it . Oops, at least it was just a drop, still felt like an ass. I'm always my most klutzy around them. It's like some poorly written sitcom, except with everyone trying to one-up each other with music.

Mystery Palace was next, and felt kinda bad, no one stuck around to see their set. So they allowed free admission, and including me there were about 8 people in the audience. Not a bad show, following my old rule of "If there are more people in the audience than on stage, it's a good show". They were alright, all the songs sounded the same after while,

Intro: glitched circuit bent keyboard, drumbeat, then bass.

repeat for every song in their set.

Oh well. I got on the guest list for Banter, so I got to see it for free!

Ride back with Justin, talking about various things. My conversation skills are pretty shitty, I'm learning. Well, at least with Justin and the ring of friends are my dad. Guess they'll never be my friends like well, my ring of friends. As long as they play music with me, whatever.

Have to do preperations for the car before I leave for NYC tomorrow. I am nervous, but it's more for the road trip. Looked over directions from 9A to the Knitting Factory. The only hard thing will be finding long term parking.

Before I made a fool out of myself in front of Martin, he mentioned he might come down to the show, which would be great for me, some encouragement from some local people would be just what I needed. We've done all the promotion we can do just short of being in NYC, which isn't much, but hey it's something.

Have to talk to dan about what time I have to leave and all that crap. If we want to be in the city for 4, I have to leave by 10:30-11 at the least. Must shower and do all the shit I need to do tonight. There's an ICON parking garage a block from the club. Might park there...

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