Monday, September 22, 2008

I skipped my first class today. yaaaay. I'm sick/have allergies, and needed to stick around the coffeehouse to learn how to close, so instead of feeling like shit and hauling ass at 7:55, I figured I'd feel less like shit and wake up at 9:30. Good plan, just need to study extra hard. 


Friday-ToE show at the union. Good respectable crowd, but for a Musician's Guild show expected more, but what can you do. Got a weird vibe from the crowd, but Jon and my Dad assured me it was just in my head, and people seemed to enjoy it. Was pumped for Sick Electric but Jimmy had car trouble, got delayed. Jon and Dad split before they went on, too bad, they would have liked them but not the best show they've ever put on, maybe it was for the best. Was planning to go Julia's afterward, but ended up going to Kingston Pizza with Dan, went home and watched episodes of Harvey Birdman until some ungodly hour.

Saturday-Meccalily recording. Went with dad around 2, set up equipment, figured out the best setup for instruments/mics. Finally started tracking around 5-6. Had to drop Dad off at home and then get back to find that no one knows how to work the damn thing. I stay out of it as it's pretty jury rigged to begin with. Out of nowhere, my dad shows up again in the nick of time before people start getting angry. Fine going the way it was, but I really wish that in the future we could try the "build everything from the ground up" method, as I think everyone is competent enough to work this way.

Overall, went well. Started feeling iffy when I woke up, kinda got worse throughout the day, but got much much much better when Melissa made me huge water bottle of tea. Felt good. Hung around at Jon's until around 11. Jon mentioned before I left that everyone is really happy that I'm in the band and are really happy with what I'm doing. Still don't believe him.

Sunday: Up around 12, feel worse than before. More tea and medicines help me out. Go to the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner. Listen to A Postmodern John, very relaxing and always puts me in a good mood. Back at home, nice homemade pasta, then to school for meeting at 193. Interviewed two nice girls. Both got the job. Stuck around for closing and...well yeah, that leads us to now.

Philosophy class in ten minutes. Have a shift tonight closing 193 from 9-12. Will try and close around 11 if not busy, which i don't plan on. I'm going to drink my body weight in tea and listen to ambient music all night. Hooray!

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