Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm not sure if I actually like YES, or if I never want to hear another YES song as long as I live...

Nothing really of note except the show last night. Your Move with the New England Guitar Circle. Around 4 went up with Matt and Tom (?) Richter to go up to Cambridge, ended up picking up a friend (Ted, I think his name was) and swapped rides for a big ass diesel Suburban. Was amazing for the trip. It was very interesting to here the three of them talk about friends they use to hang out with, and what they would do for fun as they grew up on Aquidneck Island. Minor SNAFU happens when we're on the MassPike and Matt takes out his wallet and notices he forgot the tickets. Oops. Park our Chariot into Cambridge (almost causing a major accident first) and grab Indian food from a couple of blocks from the venue. Great great food, and great company. Matt decided to book it to the venue before we ate and figure out if we could work something out. He talks to the keyboard player and all is well. The venue is the theater for a YMCA, and is very very nice acoustically and aesthetically. Sit down in the balcony for The Circle. Very nice performance for all. Calliope, Lark's Thraak and Eye of the Needle were very very good. They debuted three "new" pieces, one of which was Intergalactic Boogie Express. Very nice playing from everyone, a few missed notes, but they're only human, even if they don't want to be human. Noticed flash photography (how could you not?) during their set. Talked to Martin before and he said (in a manner of speaking) that they do not want flash photography. Almost went and talked to the photographers, but they were done in a manner of seconds. Drummer from Your Move was in the balcony, and had to take a phone call. I'm not perturbed about the phone call, but instead of immediately exiting the auditorium he sat in his chair for a good 10 seconds before getting up and walking out of the auditorium, while still talking! Did take me out of the moment, but not the performance. Last piece they played was absolutely beautiful, but I forgot the name of it. Burned three Troop of Echoes samplers as I needed to give one to Glenn (of Church of Flying Dreams) and was planning on giving one to Martin and Lily. Remember I already gave Martin one, so I have an extra one sitting in my pocket. Talked to him about Guitar Craft after, he recommended going up to a Circle rehearsal with him one night. Maybe I'm just looking to play with more people and my efforts are misguided. Also talk to him about the idea that at a show such as the Circle, Robert Fripp stated the only person he was sure of that were "listening actively" were Crafties. What bullshit. To say that I can't have the same musical experience and emotional impact than the 40 year old IT consultant who shelled out 700 dollars to sit in a forest somewhere and eat oatmeal with Fripp? I'm just being angry here... But it still turned me off. I've found in my short 18 years on this big-ass sphere of molten rock with an outer layer of dirt, my "inactive listening" has done me just fine.
Your move is up next, and while I've actually never really listened to Yes (except for Roundabout, possibly their only good song, and I'm talking about the single edit). I still find myself enjoying the first set. They bust out some Genesis (although I couldn't really tell. All british prog bands sound the same, which I guess is why Peter Gabriel had to dress up like a flower. And I am not including King Crimson because, frankly, anything post In The Court of The Crimson King and pre Lark's Tongue sucks. Big time. You know it deep down in your heart it does. But anything after that is not fucking prog rock. Sure, they play in 7/8, but it's the "We're-gonna-beat-your-head-in-and-then-go-home-and-fuck-your-girlfriend" 7/8) and some Rush. Rush wasn't bad actually, and it was Limelight. They could have done a fucking Neil Peart song and it would have all been over. After Limelight I notice Justin had called me, so I find this an opportune time to show myself out and have a nice chat with him. Although he does bend my ear a bit at times. We talk about Banter/3.1 ending and how he's almost turned into a completely different band. I honestly think setting a "sell-by" date to his project was bullshit to begin with. If you're putting an expiration date on a project, it probably wasn't good enough to begin with. Banter/3.1 wasn't bad by any stretch of the means (although his songs needed a little more variety and to be more succinct) but if he was moving this out of the way to work on bigger things (his original intentions if I remember right) there's no reason he can't call a "indefinite hiatus" to his work. I stopped writing "pop" songs to work on House On Fire, albeit off and on.
Although I guess that he's been thinking that B/3.1 is almost over officially as a concept, and needs to move on as a new band and a new band name, which makes sense. B/3.1 original aim was to make dance tracks. That really didn't happen. Now, he's REALLY make dance tracks. His drum tracks are still a little rudimentary, and need more drive and pulse in order to really be dance tracks, but he's working his way up there. I think in his mind he knew he had to evolve. He just didn't know how he would get there.

Ok, enough about Justin (hey buddy, I know you read this. I'm being very passive aggressive about the whole thing.)

Where was I?

Oh, yes, the tribute band.

I dunno, I really didn't think they were anything special. The only saving grace was that they were all excellent musicians and watching them play was fun, but live is really the only time it can happen, and it got old quick. They did two sets, which I really feel was not necessary. Oh well. After the show, find Glenn and give him a disc, talk about doing some shows and all that stuff. Help the circle lug out some gear with their PA.

Lovely ride on the way home, although once we got in the car, a woman knocked on the window and said "Your SUV is polluting my air quality". Was very funny, as she was literally RIGHT next to 2 taxis who were putting out exhaust like there was no tomorrow. Fine ride back. Stopped for Milkshakes at a Burger King. Matt got a large shake, as he said it was like 40 more cents, and "Life is too short for that shit". Pull into Ted's driveway, walked out and almost got run over as I walked directly behind the car. D'oh! Ride back to the park n' ride where I ...parked... with Matt and Tom. Matt said on the way home how Martin is looking to get a group together, since I guess Meccalily is officially over. (Awww). Hopefully something can come of it and I can at least be a part of it.

Home at 2, dicking around on the internet until 2:30, bed. No practice today.

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