Sunday, July 27, 2008

Shitty day at work. Long story short around 3 PM I delivered to a house. He wanted 10 back, I only had 7. I felt bad and apologize, but he said "Fine we'll take the 7". He slams the door in my face (well, I was half-turned, but I knew it was a slam). I hear him yelling to the people there about how it's bullshit and I should go fuck myself. I like to picture him giving the finger and stampeding around the house. I drive back to the store, tell Dan what's going on. He says to let it go. Then 30 seconds later the guy comes into the store and starts yelling. Dan, being the trooper, is polite, as am I. He asks (yells) for change. I am happy to give it to him. Long story short Dan threatens to call the cop and he just says (in his final words, and I quote, these will not leave my short term memory) "I will not act like an adult... I will act like uh...uh... uh... a customer who's always right!"

Somewhere in between now he also yelled about our prices and wondered what the hell we were using for toppings. They ordered 3 large 3 topping pizza, with delivery comes to around 13-14 dollars a pop. 13x3 is 39 dollars. plus 2 dollars added for tip is 41 dollar.

At the end he said he would never order from us again. YAY!

Work work work get yelled at by Dan because I'm new and I don't know what the fuck I am doing.

5 PM rolls around and I'm suppose to be rolling out and Sonja is suppose to show up. Sonja doesn't show up. Dan calls her and asks what the fuck is up. She's not coming in because she's in Connecticut. Her car isn't broken down, but she isn't coming in... yay. Apparently she's done this for the past three shifts. And surprise surprise, she's a roommate of Ami. Fuck me running, I mean, this is Rhode Island, but I thought you were suppose to leave cronyism at the state house steps.

I'm out at 7:15, with a shit load of free food. I come home and...fuck, my parents ordered dinner.

and now I'm getting sick at the thought of going back there in two days.


Yesterday was fine. Mixing took place for AbleArcher. After a few crashes I decided just to go back to the original session and fuck seperate plugins and all that stuff. Came out alright. Might have to remix the new song since we did a quicky overdub to it and it's a little louder than the rest of the song. Honestly I didn't have to do much. They were fairly ontop of their game. Makes it easy to have good source material.

Then afterwards got a text from Meghan, asking me to go to a Battle of The Bands at Tantric. They were going to support Jump Jump Juliet. A good band, but nothing special, full of nice people. But I declined, mainly, I felt meh on the whole situation. I checked most of the bands on the myspace. The promoters definitely are not going to be booking the next XTC or Stooges. Also, it was a 10 dollar cover. I only had 20 bucks in my pocket. Third, it was at Club Tantric. You might remember that from the Mahi/3d Mystery/Triangle Forest show I slept through. (Back from Orientation, went to nap, woke up at 9:30...fuck). The day after the show, I check and Triangle Forest added a new photo album to their myspace, the "Hall of Shame". In it is one photo, and it's this.

You know, I'm starting to grow a pair lately. I've stopped patronizing Cuban Revolution because they're expensive, and they're in cahoots with the people that threw out The Safari Lounge.

So why would I want to patronize a place that didn't pay 3 of my favorite bands?

(Update, while looking for this photo, he commented back. Apparently the owner wanted a payout last second and it ate up door money and could only pay Mahi... Who could have seen a show at Tantric going wrong?)

Anyway, I reply back with basically, that as a text message. I'm greeted by a warm hearted "whatever".

Later that night, I'm at Robbie, playing video games with Nick and Astrid and Robbie, and having fun, and talking about if I'm in the right in this situation. I say something off the tip of my head and it gets garbled, Robbie asks me to repeat. I do, and he replies "Oh, I thought you said 'They don't care as much about music as they think they do".

Which basically, is true. As much as I hate to admit it and it's fucking elitist, they really don't. I don't see any enthusiasm for local music shows or music in general, for finding out new bands or trying to see what's different out there. I'm sick of being the one who brought them the new music. Sure, they found a band that they liked, but it sounded EXACTLY LIKE SOMEONE ELSE THEY KNEW BEFORE.

That's all I know (right now).

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