Thursday, December 18, 2008

I sit here in the Hope Commons dining hall of URI writing this on my laptop. I brought my laptop to say I was going to read overviews of Russian History as pregaming to my actual study session. (and I still might do that) but I've been listening to my ipod and reading my friend Martin's blog. I've recently come to the attention that all my life I've pretty much tried to go through with the least amount of effort possible, and it's biting my ass right now. I could skate through high school no problem, but that's because everyone knows in the modern infrastructure, high school is pretty much worthless in some respects.

Lately I've been figuring out the program Reason and feel like I am getting better at it. It's pretty much a lot of stuff I've wanted in a program, it's just a pain in the dick to program patterns without a keyboard, but in my history of breaking 2 of them in the last 3 years, I'm holding off on buying another one until I can find one used or one that is absolutely a perfect fit for me.

I would really like to add my programming to my current bands, but in one it would go against my minimalist views I hold for it, because the moment we start adding more stuff than we absolutely physically need for the song to work, it becomes overbearing an
d like THIS.

I don't ever want to play that type of music. Ever.

On the other hand, another band I'm in (I'm in it like Jim O'Rourke was in Sonic Youth) doesn't really seem the best band to introduce electronic programming, but what do I know? Maybe they'd really dig it.

So what does this mean? I think I've added another instrument to my belt, I'll see if I can get a show at AS220 winter break and see what the fuck pops up.

I also really, really want to play music with people again.

I also need to stop being negative, and for god sakes stop slouching!

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